Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our life develops

In my IT class, I got an activity about emerging technology. Fabian and my part was to research about Phones. There were many amazing facts than I didn't know, and I could see many differences between last phone and previous phone. Even if we don't have internet service or camera in our phone, communication without looking at each other is great technology in our life. Iphone has most developed functions, for example internet service, camera, video and some other. The most interesting fact that I have found was that the first mobile phone was 40kg.


Griffin said...

Do you have a Runscape account or an xbox live account? I play those like they're my life I also play baseball and football. Not soccer futbal. Regular. Comment me back.

libertykaileyg said...

Thats really cool! I never knew that there was ever a 40gb phone ever! My friend has Fabian as a blog partner! I hope you are having fun there and I hope you have tons of friends(I know i have lots here!). Is Malaysia your home country and have you ever traveled to a differant country? I have traveled to 4 differant states in the U.S, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Flordia and my home state is Illinos.

AnnaR said...

Hi Maxson. My friend has you as a partner. My partner is Athea Delaslas but her blog wasn't. My birthday is January 23 1997 you are a little bit older than me!