Monday, January 12, 2009

Worst vacation

This could be the worst vacation ever in my life. I was planning to have a really nice vacation in Lankawi but because of the maximum number of passengers in the plane, we had to stay at home for whole vacation. I thought at the beginning of holiday that I wanted to go back to school instead of just sitting lonely in my house. All I did at the beginning of the holiday was probably eating, sleeping or watching TV. Well, there were some things that were kind of fun, my sister and I started to rent DVDs to watch movies. So we watched about 5 movies in a row. The most happy thing that I have done was to recognize how important is SLEEPING.


Im fabian said...

What movies did you watch

libertykaileyg said...

That stinks! I had to stay home my whole vacation too! I know sleeping is really important! On the weekends i sleep till about 12 or 1 pm and one time i slept till 2 pm! Hope you got lots of rest!


libertykaileyg said...

Is your pic your dog, Maxson?

Edward said...

Wow Your Vaacation is Fantastic ! That's the best vacation that I ever read !